About Us

Road to Renewable is a website dedicated to highlighting the challenges and opportunities toward a clean renewable future. We discuss projects that try to use current-day and future technologies to make the world a greener place. We look at how fossil fuel companies and mega corporations harm our environment, but also how non-profits try to save fragile ecosystems and commercial companies who roll out renewable energy generation.

Our values
We select topics we believe deserve more attention and help educate our readers to make informed decisions. Road to Renewable believes that everybody deserves a fair chance, including corporations. We include communications and studies conducted by those organizations wherever possible, adding remarks or debunks when deemed appropriate. We collect information, opinions, and data from credible sources such as non-profit organizations or research institutes and will include multiple references that confirm statements made when necessary.

Driving change
As much as we believe everybody can make a positive impact, we acknowledge that our daily lives can be stressful and don’t leave much room for idealistic activism, despite our hearts being in the right place. In order to help drive change through purchasing, we conduct extensive research into products we deem worthy of promoting. By purchasing through affiliated stores, you will support Road to Renewable and make incremental changes in your daily life that make a huge difference.